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Factors that could be preventing your child from listening to you as a parent


Every parent wants their child to pay attention and obey the instructions given to them. Parents, though, can unwittingly be blamed for their kids’ confusion.

These are some things parents can be doing incorrectly that prevent their kids from listening.

  • Too many commands: Parents should provide orders to their kids when needed. Yet, giving kids too many instructions could confuse them. Parents occasionally mix up commands and directions. Parents can learn to give clear directions and orders. Having fewer orders means there are fewer chances for confusion. Before making requests, parents should think about the following: “Is this necessary?”
  • Fueling negative behaviour: Kids crave attention mostly from their parents. When kids don’t get the attention they need, they act out by crying excessively and having tantrums. Kids are unable to differentiate between favourable and unfavourable attention. Parents who concentrate more on the negative behaviour of their kids end up encouraging it. When parents solely focus on hostile conduct, they encourage it. Parents, therefore, need to avoid negative talks.
  • Limiting opportunities for compliance: Children, especially teenagers, would desire time to be able to follow instructions. On the other hand, parents would prefer that their kids follow commands immediately when they are provided. Most of the time, children are not given a chance to comply. Teenagers may become irate and disrespectful when these things occur to them. According to experts, parents should allow kids five seconds, or one minute, to obey.
  • Failure to acknowledge compliance: Another factor that could be keeping your child from paying attention to you is failing to acknowledge compliance. Parents mostly notice and react to negative behaviours or wrong things. It is equally vital for parents to see when their child behaves well or does something wonderful and learn to thank or praise them. For example, parents can say, “Good work for doing x, y, or z.”


Writer: Dr. Etepe Dugah

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