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Day #7– Amusement


Amusement is an emotional response to humor. Amusement – the pleasant emotion associated with mood – may also be described as mirth, hilarity, cheerfulness, and merriment. That which constitutes amusement is a nonserious social incongruity.

Humour is a social phenomenon. We hardly ever joke or laugh on our own, and we do it much more often in the presence of other people.

We share laughter when we are amused. We also get insights into life. Our ability to create humorous situations provides us with opportunities to play. Play, in turn, serves vital social, emotional, and cognitive functions in children and adults who maintain playful behaviors through humor.

When we become amused, it enables us to build friendships and become creative. The purpose of smile/laughter is not only to communicate that one is in a playful state but sometimes to induce this in others.


Writer: Dr. Etepe Dugah

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