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Day #1 – Joy


Joy involves internal processing and the determination that something is meaningful.

Joy is “evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune” (Marriam-Webster). It is a feeling of “great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.”

In other words, Joy is how you feel when you live life to your fullest potential and realize your dreams.

The circumstance elicits joy when a situation is going well or better than expected—joy results when we feel safe and familiar with something or someone. And also when we are making progress in our life.

The architecture of your life is everything your life is built on. It’s how much you lived in the past versus fully in the present. “Living Today Now,” a book by Eric Howusu-Kumi, can be a good resource for developing your principles to live and enjoy today.

When fears and rationalizations start, hear them, thank them for trying to keep you safe, then set them aside and place your attention back on what you would love.

Discover what brings you Joy and execute it. It will help you to overcome the challenges. Things or activities that bring you joy are more straightforward than those which do not.

Unconsciously, people who have joy learn or acquire skills. Acquiring such skills can help us to flourish.


Writer: Dr. Etepe Dugah

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