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A boy smiling because he is happy

Recipe for happiness

  The recipe for happiness can be a metaphor for the nutrients in our food. We need nutrients for growth, both physically and mentally. People who do not get the required nutrient or a balanced diet becomes deficient or malnourished.  Similarly, we need happiness to make us flourish in life. Happiness has its components – […]
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A woman at the beach feeling gratitude

Hidden benefits of gratitude

Take a moment to reflect on how you felt when you once expressed gratitude for the assistance someone offered. In real-life situations, when we offer assistance to someone in need, we expect the person to show gratitude.  However, not everyone can express gratitude. We must learn how to express gratitude because it has numerous effects […]
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Guilty As Charged

A story is told of a young man who committed a crime in a town. This young man was the son of the richest man in the town. His father had influence and could change the proceedings at court. This man hired the best attorney for his son and the plan was that he would […]
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sex killer image


All over the world, there are so many reasons why patients visit community pharmacies or the hospital. One of them is about sexual performance. Every man would want to be able to perform well sexually. The inability to perform leaves men stressed. Because of this advertisement, companies use this as a tool. It is much […]
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