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8:00am - 5:00pm


peaceful place

Day #3 – Serenity

According to the oxford dictionary, serenity is a state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. Therefore, serenity is essential for human happiness and flourishing. Christopher Morin’s book, “The Serenity Code: How Brain Plasticity Helps You live with Stress, Anxiety and Depression (SAD),” explains how we can rewire our brains to escape stress, anxiety, and depression. […]
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Day #2 – Gratitude

Gratitude is recognizing and acknowledging the “bonus value” from good things and positive life experiences we did not actively work towards or ask for. Robert Emmons explains that gratitude has two key components. First, it is an affirmation that there are good things in the world. Second, it is a recognition that this goodness comes […]
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Day #1 – Joy

Joy involves internal processing and the determination that something is meaningful. Joy is “evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune” (Marriam-Webster). It is a feeling of “great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.” In other words, Joy is how you feel when you live life to your fullest potential and realize […]
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