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Happiness Digest

Recipe for happiness

The recipe for happiness can be a metaphor for the nutrients in our food. We need nutrients for growth, both physically and mentally. People who do not get the required nutrient or a balanced diet becomes deficient or malnourished. Similarly, we need happiness to make us flourish in life. Happiness has its components – satisfaction, […]
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Never Loose Hope

Most people in Ghana are hit immensely by economic hardship happening around the world. Fuel, food items, medicines, and transportation prices are continually increasing. As we navigate our way and the questions that come with it, we need to harness one essential ingredient of goal setting: hope. Hope is more than just a state of […]
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Guilty As Charged

A story is told of a young man who committed a crime in a town. This young man was the son of the richest man in the town. His father had influence and could change the proceedings at court. This man hired the best attorney for his son and the plan was that he would […]
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Day #10 – Love

Love is one of the frequent positive emotions experienced by many. It encompasses all positive emotions: joy, awe, interest, hope, amusement, gratitude, pride, and inspiration. In addition, we become connected when we love our partner, family, children, and friends. With the feeling of love, we can play, explore, savor, dream, etc. Love desire is to […]
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Day #9 – Awe

“Awe is an emotion that you feel in response to something or someone that is extraordinary and challenges the way you think about the world.” according to Dr. Jennifer Stellar. Experiencing awe allows us to feel positive thoughts and feelings. Feelings of awe may include wonder, joy, and astonishment. In certain circumstances, it can also […]
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Day #8– Inspiration

The Oxford English Dictionary defines inspiration as ‘a breathing in or infusion of some idea, purpose into the mind; the suggestion, awakening, or creation of some feeling or impulse, especially of a heavenly kind. Inspiration, which is different from motivation, comes from within and is very much its reward. In the words of Thomas Edison, […]
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Day #7– Amusement

Amusement is an emotional response to humor. Amusement – the pleasant emotion associated with mood – may also be described as mirth, hilarity, cheerfulness, and merriment. That which constitutes amusement is a nonserious social incongruity. Humour is a social phenomenon. We hardly ever joke or laugh on our own, and we do it much more […]
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Day #6 – Pride

Pride usually arises when we do something good. There are two different types of pride – authentic and hubristic. Authentic pride is genuine pride, which we experience when we achieve something. It is associated with being friendly, responsible, broad-minded, understanding, and forward-looking. Also, it goes with being inspired by reaching goals and good results. Having […]
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Day #5 – Hope

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), hope is “the expectation that one will have positive experiences or that a potentially threatening or harmful situation will not materialize or will ultimately result in a favorable state of affairs. The need for Hope arises when we fear the worst and yearn for the better. However, hope […]
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Day #4 – Interest

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Interest is a feeling that accompanies or causes special attention to something or someone. Interest is usually prompted when we know we are safe, novel, and mysterious. Interest is a positive emotion that can help us to explore. When we explore, we delve deep and look for answers. We humans […]
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