Happiness Digest PublicationsHappiness Digest PublicationsHappiness Digest Publications
8:00am - 5:00pm

About Us

About us

We help to get Solutions!

Happiness Digest is a media organization with a focus on educating the populace on positive psychology, mental health, and emotional health. It was established in May 2021. Happiness Digest seeks to publish a quarterly magazine known as Happiness Digest Magazine.

Happiness Digest Magazine is compiled and presented in sections. The sections include general topics on happiness or well-being, Mental Health, Emotional/Psychological First Aid, and tips on selected health issues. Also, it covers topics in our life social life and relationships.

Happiness is an aspiration of every human being and can also be a measure of social progress.


Happiness Digest is founded by a Pharmacist and a clinical psychologist.


We take our inspiration from the works of some experts in positive psychology such as Ed Diener, Martin Seligman, Barbara Fredrickson, Fred Luskin, Robert A. Emmons, Guy Winch, Jordan Peterson, Robert Waldinger, etc.
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To empower individuals in society to live healthy, happy, and meaningful life.



To provide quality information to meet the needs and expectations of individuals to live a healthy, happy, and meaningful life.

Our Core Values

we aspire to empower society with information that can help individuals to thrive or flourish. The happiness and well-being of our clients are at the heart of our work. In this spirit, we support both local and international leaders in providing a healthy and compassionate society.
we aspire to publish an article that is easy to read and understand by all. The language used will be so simple that a grade 6 student can read and understand it. It will also contain info graphs.
We challenge ourselves to achieve exceptional quality work for our clients. Every employee is therefore expected to make a unique contribution to the achievement of the vision and mission of the organization. We aspire to bring the best work to our clients.
Trust and ethics are the bedrock of what we and our clients are at the center of it. We aspire to earn the trust of our partners, our customers, and one another by upholding the highest ethical standards. We strive to do what we say we will do.
Collaboration and Teamwork
we aspire to together as a team. Every person will be allowed to perform his or her role in the development of the magazine. All creative ideas will also be welcomed for a better future for the magazine.

Our Core Beliefs

Happy Digest Magazine believes that:
a meaningful life sustains human existence and enables people to live a healthy and more fulfilling life.
Happy Digest Magazine believes that :
developing positive emotions or happiness in life will help individuals to reduce mental or behavioral disorders.
Happy Digest Magazine believes that :
happiness is a skill that can be taught, and learned and with practice can be developed over time.
Happy Digest Magazine believes that:
compassion is a fundamental human trait that has sustained society overages. By creating environments that foster cooperation and altruism, we help nurture the positive side of human nature.
Happy Digest Magazine believes that :
individual well-being promotes social well-being, and social well-being promotes individual well-being.
Client’s testimonials

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Clients Reviews:

What we do

HDM publishes its scientific magazine by gathering information from research papers from experts in the field of positive psychology, neuroscience, and sociology and making it available to our customers/ readers.

We advocate for a life of happiness, meaning, and compassion. We educate on topics such as happiness, psychological/emotional first aid, and mental health.
We develop new ways to educate the populace through the internet, magazine, flyers, brochures, seminars, workshops, conferences, summits, etc.
We publish articles in our magazine from research papers conducted by experts in the field of psychology.

Our Goals

To maximize positive emotions (happiness), meaningful and a fulfilling life.
To create awareness of mental, emotional/psychological health.
To develop and sustain customers’ satisfaction.
To contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): Good Health and Well-being).
To attain a financially sustainable project.

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