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Day #9 – Awe


“Awe is an emotion that you feel in response to something or someone that is extraordinary and challenges the way you think about the world.” according to Dr. Jennifer Stellar.

Experiencing awe allows us to feel positive thoughts and feelings. Feelings of awe may include wonder, joy, and astonishment. In certain circumstances, it can also involve fear.

Awe happens when we are overwhelmed by greatness. We can experience it in various ways: in nature, videos, images, music and arts, religion and spirituality, accomplishments, and more.

Awe is a positive emotion that tends to help us to accommodate the new.

Awe helps to see the self as part of a larger whole. So again, feeling awe increases well-being and improves stress-related symptoms and immune function.


Writer: Dr. Etepe Dugah

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