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10 Days Tips On Positive Emotions By Happiness Digest

Positive Emotion

Emotion (positive or negative) is a subjective experience due to the combination of bodily sensations and different things going on in our minds regarding thoughts and images. Some of the ideas and pictures are real, and others are imagined.

There are numerous positive emotions that people experience. Research shows that 10 of these emotions cut across cultures and represent universal positive emotions – joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, and the overarching feeling of love.

There’s no better way to cultivate positive emotions than connecting with others in particular ways. Participating in social activities is a sure way for people to experience positive emotions.

As we go through our days and weeks, we must think about our actions to cultivate positive emotions. Strive to increase your ratio, so positive emotions become greater than negative ones. You’re likely to experience that resiliency benefit.

Positive emotions cause us to widen or expand our inventory of thoughts and actions, which in effect, sets the cycle of positive flow.

  • When we expand our positive thoughts and behaviors, we’re more likely to build or forge mental, social, and physical resources for ourselves.
  • We’re more likely to establish healthy relationships.
  • We increase our physical well-being.
  • Such steps help transform us. They advance our well-being, growth, and creativity, which ultimately cause us to experience even more positive emotions.

Positive emotions have a reciprocal or circular effect on us first and later in our relationship. So we take actions that make us feel good,  which also makes us take more positive steps and get rewarded with positive emotions.


Writer: Dr. Etepe Dugah

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