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All over the world, there are so many reasons why patients visit community pharmacies or the hospital. One of them is about sexual performance. Every man would want to be able to perform well sexually. The inability to perform leaves men stressed. Because of this advertisement, companies use this as a tool.

It is much easier to seek medicines to assist in sexual performance. But it will be better to start from scratch by identifying some causes. This article aims to bring to light some of the sex killers.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Stress

Stress can affect one’s sexual desire to decline. When there is too much stress on an individual, it affects their sexual life. It can be stress at work, at home, or even in a relationship. Knowing how to handle stress can improve one’s sexual life and bring back the stolen Happiness. Assisting can be acquired or sought from a psychologist, medical doctor, or counselor.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Partner Problems

When there are relationship problems, it can turn off the sex drive of one of the partners or the two. Difficulties, too, are bound to happen in relationships. There may be fights, poor communication, feeling betrayed, or other trust issues. When this happens, the two much solve the problem. If the two find it difficult, then there will be the need for an older adult or a counselor to intervene.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Alcohol

Alcohol is now glamorized in our society. Some products containing alcohol are advertised to increase sexual performance. However, some of them can be untrue. Others, too, can be temporary sex stimulants. The fact is that excess consumption of alcohol, or too much alcohol, can numb your sex drive. Being drunk can also turn off your partner. Consult an expert if you find it difficult to control your drinking behavior.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Too Little Sleep

A sleep disorder known as Sleep apnea, i.e., where breathing repeatedly stops and starts, can affect the sex drive. One may have sleep apnea if one snores loudly and feels tired. Anything that affects one’s good night’s rest can affect one’s sexual desire. Fatigue is one of the factors that can affect one’s sexual feelings.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Having Kids

Having children does not take the sex drive of couples. But since there is a child, sometimes the attention can be more focused on that child. Babies need nurturing, and this can affect the closeness of the couples. Parents would have to look at when to have sex.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Medication

Some medicines can turn down sexual desire. Some medicines that can turn down sexual desire are anti-depressants, Blood pressure medications, Birth control pills (some studies show a link; others don’t), Chemotherapy (anticancer medicines), Anti-HIV drugs, and Finasteride. Therefore, you must report any unpleasantness to your medical doctor or pharmacist, especially if it turns down your sexual desire. This can also be linked to a disease condition.


  1. Sex Drive Killer: Poor Body Image

Poor body image can also affect one sexual life. Some people may not like their appearance. It makes one not be in the mood for sex. Others may work on their arrival to be acceptable because they feel their colleague sometimes possesses their wish. In cases like this, one would have to work on low esteem.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Obesity

Being overweight or obese also can dim one’s sexual desire. This could be due to low self-esteem. Overweight or obese people may not be able to perform. This could be because excess body weight does to allow them to feel free and enjoy all the skills and performances in bed. One would have to seek assistance from an expert.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Erection Problems

Men with erectile dysfunction often get worried about their inability to perform. They fear their partner may mock them because they cannot satisfy them. They become afraid they will be called names. This then discourages them from making attempts, thereby diming their sexual desire. People with erectile dysfunction need to be treated since this can affect their relationships.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Low T

The hormone responsible for fueling the sex drive is known as testosterone (T). As men get older, this hormone begins to drop. This affects their sexual desire and performance, even though not all men experience this. Many other things — from relationships to weight — also affect a man’s sex drive and testosterone levels. So a drop in testosterone due to aging reduces sexual desire.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Depression

Depression can dim the sexual pleasure of people. Depressed patients are not usually interested in so many activities, and sex is not an exception. Secondly, their medication can also dim their sex drive. Therefore, you must let your medical doctor know if you experience a low sex drive since not all anti-depressants have that side effects.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Menopause

Most women’s sexual desire begins to decline when they reach menopause. This can partly be due to menopausal symptoms like vaginal dryness and pain during sex. However, this case may be quite different for some women. Others, too, may still be sexually active even at menopause.


  1. Sex-Drive Killer: Lack of Closeness

Becoming close to the opposite partner can increase sexual desire. This helps to build intimacy. However, intimacy is more than just sex. Idleness does not build intimacy. It, therefore, dims your sexual desire and affects your sexual life with your partner. On the other hand, getting closer can make your sex drive.


Writer: Dr. Etepe Dugah

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